Register now & get started with aamarPay

Business Information

Please share your business details
Example: Your Company LLC / Sole Owner / Private Limited / Public Limited Company
Example: / / or Brand Name
Your direct contact mobile number. we will send text notification for each transaction here. |
What you are going to sell online. Example: Service /Product / Consultancy / Ticket / Donation etc.
Where you are planning to sell or receive payment. Example: / Facebook Page URL

Contact Person Details

Please share your accounts & technical contact details
Your role / designation with your organization
Contact person's valid mobile number.
Contact person's valid email address.
Your role / designation with your organization
Contact person's valid mobile number.
Contact person's valid email address.

Technical Information

Please share your website details
Please provide your live website URL.
Write down your shared / dedicated / VPS IP.

Plan / Subscription

Please select your preferred plan
Features aamar Education (Only for School, College & University) -One time & non-refundable aamar Growth (One time & non-refundable) aamar SME ( One time- non refundable)
One Time Fee BDT 0.00 BDT 20000.00 BDT 15000.00
Trx. Fee (Card) 1.50% 2.35% 2.50%
Trx. Fee (AMEX) 1.50% 3.50% 3.50%
Trx. Fee (MFS) 1.50% 1.90% 2.00%
Details Click to View Click to View Click to View

Documents Upload

Please upload the required documents
Format: .jpg/.png/.gif | Resolution: 512 X 512 | File Size (Max): 2MB
Please provide your updated Trade License | Format: .jpg/.png/.pdf | File Size (Max): 5MB
Format: .jpg/.png/.pdf | File Size (Max): 5MB
Format: .jpg/.png/.pdf | File Size (Max): 5MB

Please select a package to continue